How are Financial Services firms tackling Operational Risk for Hybrid Multiclouds?

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Financial Services is rapidly working to mature its infrastructure by adopting public, private, and 3rd party clouds, MSPs, and edge. These changes underpin the digital transformation of the financial services business model that involves material changes to most core financial functions.

Supervisors also recognize digitalization as a significant change process given its impact on financials' overall risk profiles and the stability of broader financial systems. These activities have also increased cyber security challenges. This has prompted regulators to increase their advisory and supervision regarding operational resilience.

This analyst report walks you through the evolving hybrid multicloud operational resilience considerations Financial Services Institutions need to consider.

Inside you’ll learn:

  • How Regulators are Driving an Operational Resilience Agenda
  • Advice on Measuring Up to Risk Compliance in a Hybrid Multicloud World
  • Recommendations for Navigating the Heightened Focus on Operational Resilience in Financial Services
  • Areas of Key Investments and Priorities

How are Financial Services firms tackling Operational Risk for Hybrid Multiclouds?