We announced the release of community edition on June 8, 2015, and the community response has been tremendous. Enterprise IT professionals and tech enthusiasts are able to deploy the leading hyperconverged technology in their home labs and development/test environments.
The latest version of community edition has support for nested virtualization. Nested virtualization is a virtual machine contained within another virtual machine. The real benefit here is that you can run multiple nested nodes on one physical box. There are many examples of running community edition in a nested environment on blogs and in our forums.

I have collected several blog posts from the community on setting up a nested environment. These posts will get you on the fast track for deployment. Have fun!
How to Setup NutanixCE on VMware Workstation 11
Ryan Harris is an Infrastructure Engineer and has installed community edition on VMware Workstation 11. He has outlined his deployment with lots of very useful installation screenshots. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and this post does not disappoint. (@vRyanH)
How to create a nested virtual NutanixCE cluster
Ryan Harris has made the list again as he outlines how to create a nested cluster using community edition. He continues his awesome collection of screenshots and how to configure the cluster in his VMware Workstation 11 environment. (@vRyanH)
Step by Step How to install Nutanix CE nested on VMware ESXi
Kalle Pihelgas is an Infrastructure Engineer and installed Nutanix Community Edition nested on VMware ESXi 5.5 U2. (@kalle_pihelgas)
#NextConf running Nutanix Community Edition nested on Fusion
Joep Piscaer is a CTO and Nutanix Technology Champion (NTC), he had a first look at community edition as he participated in the early alpha and beta. As a mac user, his post outlines how to get started using VMware Fusion. (@jpiscaer)
Nutanix: Install Nutanix Community Edition in VMware Fusion and first contact with Acropolis (Spanish)
Jorge de la Cruz Mingo is a System Administrator and has also installed community edition on VMware Fusion. Plenty of screenshots to get you started. His blog is in Spanish, but if you use chrome you can translate the post to English. (@jorgedlcruz)
Step by Step running Nutanix Community Edition on VMware workstation.
Ramy Mahmoud is a Wintel Systems Engineer and has also installed community edition on VMware Workstation 11. I like the use of screenshot, as it helps walk you though an installation. (@RamyMahmoud)
If you have written a post on how to get community edition up and running in a nested environment, let me know and we can profile it. Email me at community@nutanix.comand there is no better time than now to get started with CE, download your copy today.
Bonus Link
How to install NUTANIX Community Edition on VMware Workstation? (Spanish)
Leandro Ariel Leonhardt is a System Architect for virtualized environments at Sothis Group. He has put together a video on how to install Nutanix Community Edition on VMware workstation. (@leonhardtla)