The oil and gas industry has always challenged technology. Now its time for tech to challenge back. In this Oil and Gas Podcast learning series hear from leading organizations taking a deep dive into the business side of oil and gas, with a technology focus.

Speaker: Jeremy Ross, Cloud Architect
Podcast host Mark LaCour sits down with Jeremy Ross, Cloud Architect at Nutanix to discuss how much smaller you can make your footprint in the oil and gas industry. They also discuss resources at the edge and if that data is really valuable.

Speaker: Paul Harb, Sr. Director, Customer Success Technical Architecture
Paul Harb, Senior Director, Customer Success Technology Architecture at Nutanix sat down with Mark to define the cloud, its destination and operational model. They discuss more than just the public cloud by also looking at private, distributed, and hosted/managed clouds. They also take a deep dive on the role of the cloud in the field (upstream and downstream), remote and branch sites, office locations, and at the edge.

Speaker: Steve Kaplan, VP, Client Success Finance
Steve Kaplan, VP, Client Success, Finance at Nutanix, and author of The ROI Story sat down with Mark to talk about the areas for consideration when evaluating TCO and ROI for IT investment. In this podcast, learn how IT can become better decision makers using financial metrics and goals. You’ll also learn how to build a better case for investment with your finance peers.

Speaker: Sachin Chheda, Senior Director, Customer Advocacy and Rohit Goyal, Director of Product Marketing
Nutanix executives Sachin Chheda, Customer Advocacy and Rohit Goyal, Director of Product Marketing sat down with Mark to discuss IT/OT coverage and how Operational Technologies is changing to enable oil and gas organizations to share and monetize data instead of remaining separate as it has in the past. Both Sachin and Rohit share what is needed to enable this convergence, the types of applications and infrastructure to consider, and the role AI/ML plays here.

Speakers: Michael O’Sullivan, Oil and Gas Executive, Nutanix and Neil Christianson, Accenture
The oil and gas industry has become serious about digital transformation. Digital roadmaps are now aligned to critical business objectives. This means IT must come through and deliver on the needs of the digital roadmap. In this lively discussion, Mark LaCour talks with Michael O’Sullivan and Neil Christianson about how to plan and design for digital success at the enterprise level.