NEXT Magazine is your source for practical advice, bold ideas, and occasionally controversial opinions from some of the IT industry's leading change agents. We feature topics around datacenter innovation and modernization, business transformation, digital disruption, leadership strategies, and much more.
Issue 8 of the magazine is fresh off the press and it’s filled with amazing stories: the concept of fostering “intrapreneurship” with Lego; STEM students striving for a better world; Headbands of Hope pivoting in times of hardship; and when “business as usual” isn’t...and many more stories.

Here’s a quick look at what you’ll find in Issue 8 of NEXT Magazine!
Rx for Career Anxiety
If you’ve been in the working world for a while, you’ve probably experienced your share of career anxiety. It’s hard to avoid, given that the traditional notion of job security has all but dissolved into the stuff of bedtime fables.
Economy-proof your career with these steps for an "invincible" career from software designer-turned-author and entrepreneur Jeff Gothelf.
Read more here: Economy-proof Your Career Today.
When Elephants and Riders Move Together
Why is change so hard? People innately resist change. Sort of. Chip Heath’s favorite metaphor about behavioral change is by a modern psychologist named Jonathan Haidt. He likened our emotional side to a big elephant and our analytical side to a tiny human riding the elephant. The rider is analytical, deliberate, and can see a path forward. The elephant, which provides the energy for our trip, is irrational and driven by feelings and instinct.
All change efforts have something in common: For anything to change, someone has got to start behaving in a new way. Learn more about the relationship between the elephant and the rider.
Read more here: A Framework for Leading Through Change.
Intrapreneurship Rising
Intrapreneurship isn’t optional for large companies that want to survive, it’s a requirement. In these uncertain times, innovation is the foundation for companies to continue to thrive.
“The market is moving too fast for companies to rely on traditional modes of launching innovation,” says David Gram, executive advisor and co-founder of Diplomatic Rebels.“Intrapreneurship is about innovating in explorative ways within your company and developing a culture of agile experimentation and learning. It’s really about companies daring to fail.”
Read more here: Lego's Intrapreneurship Rising.
Making Lemonade: Pivoting in Times of Hardship
COVID-19 has changed the way we live and work.These businesses helped make a bad situation better by finding unique ways to help others. When life gives you COVID-19, make lemonade.
Headbands of Hope has always been dedicated to giving back. Founder Jess Ekstrom had an ambitious mission when she created the company, which sells bright, colorful headbands, scarves, beanies, and more: for every headband purchased, the company donates one to a child with cancer. Here's how these businesses pivoted in the wake of a global pandemic.
Read more about: Headbands of Hope.
When “Business as Usual”...Isn’t
In April, 62% of employed Americans were working from home—up from 25% two years ago. Here's how that number may change. Some companies are redefining what business means and how it gets done when life and work turn upside down.
Time Magazine called the coronavirus outbreak “the world’s largest work-from-home experiment.” Are you innovating in the right ways to survive and flourish?
Read the full story here: When “Business as Usual”....Isn’t.
STEM Students Strive for a Better World
Discover how the passion of students around the world can one day inspire hope and effect change. STEM initiatives in education have skyrocketed over the last 15 years or so as we face mounting globalization and a world economy that is increasingly knowledge-based. In highly technological societies, nations are realizing that kids need to develop STEM capabilities to become digitally literate so they can fully fully pursue their goals and opportunities.
Changing the world one degree at a time. These STEM students have their eyes on a brighter future—here's how they're helping make that happen.
Read about these innovative students: STEM Students Strive for a Better World.
Elusive Hybrid Cloud Tops IT Wish Lists
While hybrid cloud dreams are bright, many organizations still have a grayscale view on implementation. Enterprise IT departments consistently report aggressive plans to replace traditional datacenters with hybrid cloud infrastructure to provide flexibility that is still secure.
Learn how to bridge the gap to make sure that you get your IT wish list fulfilled and implemented successfully.
Read more here: Elusive Hybrid Cloud Tops IT Wish Lists.
Financial Disruption - Powered by the Cloud
Risk big, win big. That's how Warba Bank and JamboPay made the most of their cloud investments. What we used to know about business has changed, thanks to cloud computing and other technologies that are enabling possibilities we couldn’t have imagined a decade ago.
See how Warba Bank & Jambo Pay can help you think about the right risks to be taking for your company.
Read more here: Financial Disruption - Powered by the Cloud
Break Down Those Walls: Building a Career You Love
“You don’t need to have a fancy job title or a team reporting to you to be a leader.” Ready about 5 leaders who are building careers they love and flourishing because work for them is not just a chore.
Become like the 5 types of leaders you may not have considered.
Read more here: Break Down Those Walls: Building a Career You Love
Replate Re-Engineers and Champions Surplus Food Donation
One third of all food produced globally is wasted. Waste in a country of plenty didn’t make sense to Syrianimmigrant Maen Mahfoud while he was a student at the University of California, Berkeley. One day he watched a man reach into a garbage can to retrieve a half-eaten sandwich. Food waste in the United States was a solvable problem, Mahfoud realized.
Shocked?These organizations were, too—so they stepped up. Here's how.
There’s plenty more to discover in the full issue of NEXT Magazine! Download your free copy today.
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