Nutanix EUC Tech Summit, the zero-fluff event designed by and for EUC geeks and visionaries, was a huge success. Thousands of viewers tuned in for keynotes, breakouts, and demos from 17 speakers working on the cutting edge of EUC. One of the top sessions was a great interview with Shawn Bass (CTO VMware), Christian Reilly (former VP and CTO at Citrix) and Nikola Bozinovic (founder of Frame, VP/GM Desktop Services at Nutanix).

This captivating, 30 minute session, which you can watch here, pulled together segments from three separate longer videos.
You can now watch the longer versions to hear all of the technical, professional, and personal questions we asked.
For example, we asked Nutanix VP and GM Nikola Bozinovic:
- At age 22, you organized a three-month long protest that involved a 165 mile-march to Belgrad to protest against Milosevic - a huge part of the revolution in Serbia. What did you learn? What’s your best advice for your 22 year old self?
- What are the lessons you learned running and selling multiple start-ups? What are your tips for success?
Watch the full interview here:
(figure, Full interview with Nikola Bozinovic, founder Frame, VP/GM Desktop Services Nutanix)
Here are some of the questions we asked former Citrix CTO Christian Reilly:
- Intelligent Automation (RPA + AI): What is it? What’s its purpose?
- How real is the Intelligent Workspace in 2020? Is it really intelligent?
- What does EUC mean to you?
- What does the future of EUC look like?
Watch the full interview here:
(figure, Full interview with Christian Reilly, former CP and CTO Citrix)
Here’s a few of the questions we asked VMware’s Shawn Bass:
- VMware has a compelling story with EUC as full stack integration.
What is or who is the biggest threat with regards to VMware EUC solutions? - Is Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure a key element in the future workplace?
- If you could go back in time and choose some other job in IT (rather than EUC), what would it be and why?
- Gartner has found that Microsoft’s restrictions for licensing Windows and O365 for VDI and DaaS on Hyperscale clouds is ruffling some customer feathers. Do you hear this customer feedback as well? What are your thoughts for customers and Microsoft?
- Will we still need VDI specialists in the future, given the advances in AI? For example, will adapting remote display protocol settings and the backend infrastructure be consumed as a managed service offering out of the cloud?
Watch the full interview here:
(figure, Full interview with Shawn Bass, CTO VMware)
Bonus questions for all three:
- What’s the most interesting thing you’ve read or seen this year?
- What keeps you worried and awake at night?
- How do you keep yourselves motivated and find a decent work life balance? Tips for work/life balance?
- Everyone has an “Oh, [BLEEP]” IT story. What is yours?
- What's the most useless talent you have?
- EXTRA: the final question is a fun one you will see online!
This is your chance to get insights on where EUC is heading and lessons learned from top leaders in the field.
But wait there’s more! You can still watch the EUC Tech Summit in full here!
Thanks Christian, Shawn and Nilkola for supporting EUC TechSummit! - @rspruijt
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