Nutanix Cloud Infrastructure (NCI)

Nutanix Disaster Recovery

Reliable disaster recovery on your terms

Simplify failover and failback with trustworthy orchestration and automated recovery. 

Download Solution Brief Test Drive Nutanix DR

Make disaster recovery effortless across multiple sites

Calm Integration with ServiceNow Diagram

Design Your Dream Disaster Recovery Strategy with the Various Deployment Models

Nutanix UI for Clusters AWS Govcloud

Secure Your Infrastructure with On-Premises DR Strategies

Manage your infrastructure your way in house and maintain full control over your data at all times. 

Harness the Cloud for Reliable DR Solutions

Reduce the complexity of maintaining on-premises DR sites with a one-click multi tiered solution that uses on-demand elasticity to the public cloud.

Enhance Your DR Strategy with Managed Service Expertise

Let the experts handle your DR for you. Connect with skilled Nutanix partners to help you build, deploy, manage, and support your perfect DR solution

Foolproof failover and failback

Validate your DR plan with Test Failovers

Uncover potential gaps, provide hands-on training for IT teams, and verify that recovery objectives can be achieved with your DR strategy.

Targeted and Efficient DR with Failover Granularity

Customize your DR strategy to failover specific entities as needed and configure multiple recovery plans to handle different scenarios.

Peace of Mind with Non-Disruptive DR Testing

Confidently perform compliance testing and system validation without impacting your ongoing operations, ensuring continuous business functionality.

Nutanix UI of the Leap dashboard

Robust Data Replication at the Core for Reliable Business Continuity

Nutanix Beam UI showing budgeting dashboard

Take Your Pick of Replication Technology

Achieve a recovery point objective (RPO) of anywhere from 0 minutes to 24 hours, based on your workloads and business needs with Sync, NearSync, and Async replication options.

Simplified Snapshot Mobility with Multicloud Snapshot Technology

Distribute, manage, and restore snapshots across hybrid multicloud endpoints, allowing you to eliminate costly hardware commitments, optimize TCO, ensure compliance, and simplify management.

0-0-0 with AHV Metro

Experience 0 recovery point objective (RPO), near 0 recovery time objective (RTO), and 0 touch recovery for mission-critical applications.

Nutanix is trusted by 25,000+ customers

"We can do all of the replication ourselves for our DR needs. Nutanix enables a much better DR solution at a significantly lower cost from our current hosted restoration services approach."

- David Hunter, IT Director, Empire Life

"We are exiting the traditional SAN environment over time as we end- of-life our current platforms and tear out the Fibre Channel infrastructure. We plan to be a Nutanix-only shop going forward—I see no reason to use anything else."

- Chris Cate, EVP and CIO, Valpak

"The Nutanix platform was exactly what we were looking for, delivering all the benefits of the public cloud in a format we could deploy on-site."

- Eilko Bronsema, Manager IT, Zwanenberg Food Group

Explore our top resources

Disaster Recovery Solution Brief

Learn what the Nutanix approach to disaster recovery entails, including automatic recovery inter-cloud replication, data integrity checks, and more.

Tech Note: Data Protection
and Disaster Recovery

Effortlessly back up your data and applications. Nutanix provides simplicity and flexibility to address ever-changing business requirements.

Battle-Tested IT: Business Continuity in Any Circumstance

We know that bad actors are looking to take advantage of the current situation as IT teams scramble to adapt to remote work. Find out how to protect your business.

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Take Nutanix Disaster Recovery for a test drive

Experience simple, nimble, and reliable disaster recovery solutions today with Nutanix test drive.

Nutanix Product UI of Dashboard

Ready for a demo?

See how Nutanix can take your enterprise disaster recovery strategies to the next level.